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Sunday, August 28, 2011

3ds Max Horse RIgged

I Rigged A horse.Download Here 


  1. I need download, it's posible?

  2. @Anonymous Cant you See, Rigged "Here" Click it.. it will take you to the download.....

  3. Hi thanks for the rig, i am having a problem skin is being distorted when i am trying to animate it

    1. Yup agreed ^^
      as it was my first attempt to skinning long time ago so thr is some distortion !!
      unfortunately you need to skin few parts yourself...Really not a big deal .. if you go on selection thr is selection called horse or something like that, select, go to modifiers and skin
      & play with envelops...
      Sorry about that !!
      But thr are many other horses here !! do a quick search
      and Join blog if possible !!
      thanks for stopping by !!

    2. dont say sorry coz ur giving it free,, i might say thanks for that sure i will join. ok i will try and make it right.. many thanks again

  4. hi Umar! can you tall, how you write green text with yours name and blog adress in viewport in max, I will be grateful

    1. If you go in Customize user interface, you will find POP up note thr !!

  5. man you are awesome .. thanks a lot dude :)

  6. Great rig again umar. Thanks. Envolope adjustment unnecassary. Everbody make skin adjustment own technique. Physquie or other 3rd plugins.

  7. AnonymousJune 05, 2014

    It's Nice to share, sorry to criticise, but isn't it just a cat rig convert to normal rig with basic skin applied? (and on a 3D model took from the internet)

    At this point you could just stay with the cat rig ... you would have more interest (cat motion to make the horse walk without too much work)

    It isn't really usable, also the mesh is triangulate, really not great to use on a 3D pipeline other than game if you want to smooth it

    Again it's nice to share but at this point it's a little ridiculous to call it a 'rigged' horse, at the best it's a 'Work In Progress of a more than basic rig on a poorly skined web-found 3D horse Model'
